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Strategy of Oracle:Can Small Nuclear Reactors Reshape Data Centers

In today's world where data and AI technology go hand in hand, energy supply has become the key to restricting technology giants from further expanding the boundaries of computing power. Oracle, a leader in information technology, recently announced a groundbreaking plan to deploy three small modular nuclear reactors to reshape its data center energy ecosystem with more than 1,000 megawatts of clean energy as cornerstones, paving the way for the rise of AI supercomputers.

Reshaping the energy landscape and empowering the future of AI

Oracle's feat is not only a brave breakthrough in traditional energy dependence, but also a forward-looking response to the surge in energy demand in the AI era. As large AI models such as ChatGPT become a daily routine, the demand for electricity is growing exponentially with the huge computing power behind them. According to authoritative reports, ChatGPT's daily calculations alone consume the equivalent of the daily electricity consumption of 17,000 United States households. In this context, Oracle chose nuclear energy, an efficient and low-carbon form of energy, to fundamentally solve the energy bottleneck of AI development.

Global layout, building the cornerstone of AI supercomputer

Oracle has deployed and planned 162 cloud data centers around the world, including some of the largest flagship facilities, with 800 megawatts of power capacity embedded in NVIDIA's top-of-the-line GPU clusters to support the world's leading AI model training. The introduction of nuclear energy will further strengthen Oracle's leading position in the field of AI computing power and provide a steady stream of power for a wider range of AI applications.


Figure: Oracle deploys three small modular nuclear reactors for AI power

Pay equal attention to safety and the environment to ensure a green future

Of course, the use of nuclear energy comes with serious challenges due to safety and environmental considerations. Oracle is aware of the responsibilities and is committed to making nuclear safety a top priority while advancing the nuclear power data center project, and to taking the strictest safety measures to ensure that nothing goes wrong. In addition, nuclear energy, as a clean energy source, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating Oracle's strong commitment to sustainability.

Looking to the future, the infinite possibilities of the AI era

Oracle's nuclear-powered data center plan is not only an immediate response to the demand for AI computing power, but also a far-reaching layout for the future technology ecosystem. As AI technology penetrates into various fields such as healthcare and finance, while improving the efficiency and innovation ability of the industry, it has also given rise to new issues such as data privacy and algorithm bias. Oracle and the entire technology community need to work with the government and all sectors of society to explore the healthy development of AI technology and ensure that technological progress benefits all mankind.


Oracle's nuclear-powered data center strategy is a key leap in its AI journey, demonstrating not only the company's deep insight into the future of energy and technology, but also heralding a green new chapter in the AI supercomputing era. With the steady progress of the project, we have reason to believe that Oracle will light up more bright beacons in the vast sea of AI technology and lead the world towards a smarter and more sustainable future."

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