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Primarius NanoSpice Simulator Certified for Samsung Foundry 3nm and 4nm Process Technology

Recently, Primarius Technologies announced that its NanoSpice universal parallel SPICE simulator has been verified and certified for Samsung Foundry's 3/4nm technology. NanoSpice said this can help Samsung Foundry's customers achieve accuracy.Samsung's 3/4nm process technology is designed to increase overall yield, reduce power consumption, and improve performance at previous process nodes, which requires fast and accurate circuit simulation and verification tools to support advanced IC designs. Validated by Samsung Foundry's EDA certification program, NanoSpice™ provides stable convergence for analog IP, large capacitance, and large netlists (including post-layout information) to help Samsung Foundry's customers design with confidence, shorten design cycles, and achieve the highest accuracy.

NanoSpice is a breakthrough high-capacity, high-performance, parallel SPICE simulator designed for the most challenging simulation tasks, such as large-scale post-layout analog circuit simulations that require high capacity, speed, and accuracy at the same time. Its superior parallelism technology enables efficient circuit simulation of up to 50 million circuit components.

Sangyun Kim, Vice President and Head of Foundry Design Technology Team at Samsung Electronics, said, "Samsung and Primarius have jointly successfully achieved NanoSpice certification for Samsung Foundry's 3/4nm process. The collaboration enables the two companies to provide the capabilities needed to validate advanced and innovative IC designs to help drive the fast-growing IC market and applications. ”

Figure:Primarius NanoSpice Simulator Certified for Samsung Foundry 3nm and 4nm Process Technology

"Samsung has been a long-time customer of our EDA products and solutions, and we will continue to advance our technology to address future analog challenges with cutting-edge technologies," said Dr. Lianfeng Yang, President of Primarius. "We seized the opportunity to be part of the ecosystem that supports these critical process nodes, and with the high performance and accuracy, NanoSpice is able to solve the toughest design verification problems with full simulation capabilities from small modules to full-chip designs, and can help achieve things that would not have been possible without our circuit simulation solutions." ”

This cooperation is a deep integration of technical strength and market insight between the two parties, which indicates that there will be more innovations and breakthroughs in the field of semiconductor design and manufacturing in the future. Through this partnership, Samsung Foundry and Primarius Technologies will be able to better serve customers around the world and advance semiconductor technology.

As semiconductor technology continues to advance,  companies like Primarius Technologies are contributing to the growth of the industry through their innovative products such as the NanoSpice™ simulator. By partnering with leading manufacturers such as Samsung, these technologies will not only enhance the performance of existing processes, but also lay the foundation for future technological innovations. We look forward to seeing how this collaboration continues to move the semiconductor industry forward, bringing more advanced technologies and products to consumers around the world."

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