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Samsung and SK Hynix Explore Laser Debonding Technology

According to Korea media ETNews, Samsung Electronics and SK hynix have begun to carry out the process technology conversion of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) wafers, which is centered on the introduction of new technologies to prevent wafer warping, which is considered to be aimed at the next generation of HBM. It is expected that the material and equipment supply chain will also change as the process is converted.

Wafer debonding is the process of separating a thinned wafer from a temporary carrier. In semiconductor manufacturing, the main wafer and carrier wafer are bonded together by an adhesive and then stripped with a blade, hence the term mechanical debonding.

As the number of layers of HBM increases, such as 12 or 16 layers, the wafer becomes thinner and the method of using blade separation faces its limits. Wafer thicknesses of less than 30 microns were feared to damage the wafer, so process steps such as etching, polishing, and wiring increased, and new adhesives adapted to ultra-high temperature environments were required, which is why the two companies chose to use lasers instead of traditional mechanical methods.

Technical characteristics: efficient, accurate and non-destructive

With its high efficiency, precision and non-destructive characteristics, laser debonding technology has shown great potential in the field of semiconductor manufacturing. This technology takes advantage of the high energy density of the laser to precisely focus the laser beam on the bonding point of the wafer and the carrier, and through local heating and melting, the bonding point is separated without contact. This process not only avoids the physical damage that can be caused by mechanical peeling, but also greatly improves production efficiency and process accuracy. At the same time, laser debonding technology is also environmentally friendly, eliminating the need for chemical reagents and other harmful substances, and is environmentally friendly.

Figure: Samsung and Hynix explore laser debonding technology (Source: Daily Economy)

Future development trend: wide application and technological innovation

Looking to the future, laser debonding technology is expected to be more widely used in the field of semiconductor manufacturing. With the continuous development and popularization of HBM technology, the requirements for wafer debonding technology are also increasing. With its unique advantages, laser debonding technology will become the technology of choice in the manufacturing process of ultra-thin wafers. In addition, with the continuous progress of technology and the gradual reduction of costs, laser debonding technology is expected to be applied in more fields, such as electronic component manufacturing, optoelectronic device manufacturing and other high-tech fields.

In terms of technological innovation, laser debonding technology will also continue to upgrade and improve. In the future, researchers will focus on improving the focusing ability and precision of the laser beam to enable finer debonding operations. At the same time, they will also explore more efficient laser sources and more advanced control systems to further improve the productivity and stability of laser debonding technology. In addition, as the semiconductor manufacturing process continues to advance, the requirements for laser debonding technology will also increase, which will promote the continuous innovation and development of this technology.

The exploration and application of laser debonding technology by Samsung and SK hynix is not only a major innovation in HBM's manufacturing process, but also an important promotion for the entire semiconductor industry. The successful application of this technology is expected to bring more product choices and better performance to the global technology industry. In the future, with the continuous maturity of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, laser debonding technology will play a more important role in the field of semiconductor manufacturing and promote the development of the semiconductor industry to a higher level and a higher level.

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