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Samsung poaches Apple's former Siri strategy chief to work on AI development

Recently, there has been striking news in the tech world: Samsung Electronics is merging two of its AI technology research centers in North America and has successfully recruited Murat Akbacak, a former Apple executive, to lead the newly formed division. This move marks the further acceleration of Samsung's strategic layout in the field of artificial intelligence, and also reflects the increasingly fierce competition of global technology giants in the field of AI.

According to Bloomberg, Samsung Electronics announced the merger of the North American AI Technology Research Center within the company this week. The new North American Center for Artificial Intelligence brings together teams from Toronto, Canada and Mountain View, California, USA to improve operations and increase efficiency. Murat Arbuck, the former head of Apple's Siri personal digital assistant strategy, will be at the helm of the department, and his addition will undoubtedly breathe new life into Samsung's AI development.


Figure: Samsung is committed to AI research and development, and it is rumored that it has dug up the former strategic head of Apple's Siri (picture from the Internet)

China Overseas Semiconductor Network believes that the incident has the following significance:

1. Strategic significance: The merger and personnel changes demonstrate Samsung's strategic adjustment and long-term planning in the field of AI. By integrating resources, Samsung will be able to more efficiently promote the development and application of AI technology and accelerate innovation in intelligent products and solutions.

2. Talent introduction: Murat Arbuck's joining not only brings his rich experience in Apple's Siri program, but also shows Samsung's positive stance in the global AI talent war. His expertise and industry insights will play a key role in the future development of Samsung's AI technology.

3. Market competition: Today, when AI technology is increasingly becoming a new highland of technological competition, Samsung's move is also a response to competitors such as Apple and Google. By strengthening its AI R&D capabilities, Samsung hopes to be able to take an advantageous position in the fierce market competition.

4. Technological development: The development of AI technology requires a large amount of data accumulation and algorithm optimization. By merging its research centers, Samsung will be able to better concentrate its technological strength, promote algorithm innovation and product iteration, and improve its competitiveness in areas such as intelligent voice assistants, image recognition, and natural language processing.

Samsung's merger with the North American AI Research Center and the hiring of former Apple executives is an important step for Samsung to take the initiative in the global technology competition. This strategic realignment will not only help Samsung achieve faster breakthroughs in AI technology, but will also drive its continued leadership in the smart device and solutions market. At the same time, it is also a positive attraction to global tech talent, demonstrating Samsung's emphasis on top talent and commitment to innovation.

In short, with the continuous progress of AI technology and the expansion of application fields, every move of technology giants is particularly important. Samsung's latest move will undoubtedly add new competitiveness to its global AI track. We look forward to Samsung's ability to bring more innovations in the field of AI and more value to consumers and the industry."

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