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Semiconductor Quartz Equipment Components Forecast

Quartz's high purity, high temperature resistance, low thermal expansion, and chemical stability make it an indispensable material in the semiconductor production process. Quartz products, including quartz boats, quartz furnace tubes, quartz rings, etc., play a key role in the manufacturing process of semiconductor integrated circuits. They are widely used in the diffusion, oxidation, etching of silicon wafers, which are the basis of wafer production. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, 5G, and autonomous driving, the demand for semiconductors is increasing, which is driving the expansion of the quartz material market.

The preparation technology of quartz materials is the key to ensuring their application in semiconductor manufacturing. Electrofusion and gas fusion are the two main preparation methods, which are suitable for high-temperature and low-temperature processes in semiconductor manufacturing, respectively. The electrofusion method is widely used in high-temperature areas, such as diffusion processes, due to its good temperature resistance and low cost. The gas-melting method is suitable for low-temperature areas, such as etching processes. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) synthesis is used to prepare quartz materials with low hydroxyl content and is suitable for applications where purity is critical.

With the rapid development of the semiconductor industry, especially in the Chinese market, the market demand for quartz materials continues to grow. The Chinese government's promotion of the improvement of semiconductor self-sufficiency rate and domestic substitution policies has provided huge market opportunities for domestic quartz product manufacturers. In addition, due to the geopolitical impact of the war and the Sino-US trade war, there are also potential risks for quartz trade. These factors have also increased customers' pursuit of localization, and domestic enterprises are gradually replacing imported products to meet the needs of the domestic market through technological innovation and product quality improvement. At present, the localization rate of semiconductor quartz products is gradually increasing, and domestic enterprises are meeting market demand through technological innovation and improving product quality. As the semiconductor industry continues to grow, the demand for quartz materials is expected to continue to grow. Domestic quartz products manufacturers are facing huge market opportunities, and they also need to continuously improve their technical strength and product quality to adapt to the rapid development of the market.

Figure: Semiconductor quartz device components

In the field of semiconductor quartz equipment, FerroTec (China), Hangzhou Daiwa Thermomagnetic, Philip Shichuang, Heraeus Shin-Etsu, Shenyang Hanke and other companies have established a strong market position. By providing high-quality quartz products, these companies serve many well-known semiconductor equipment manufacturers around the world, and promote the development and application of semiconductor quartz material technology.

According to techcet's forecast, the semiconductor quartz manufactured goods market will rebound by nearly 6% in 2024 to about $2.12 billion. Fab expansion and the addition of advanced technology node etching and CVD steps are driving the demand for quartz components, especially for advanced packaging, 3DNAND, and other advanced memories. Looking ahead, the five-year CAGR is estimated to be around 7%, according to TECHCET's latest Quartz Equipment Component Critical Materials Report.

In the field of semiconductor quartz crucibles, it is estimated that by 2028, the global semiconductor quartz crucible market will expand to 3.29 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.9% during the period. Growth is particularly significant in China, where the market size of semiconductor-grade quartz crucibles is expected to expand to RMB 1.34 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 32.3% during the period. This growth trend reflects China's increasingly important position in the global semiconductor industry chain, as well as the urgent need for the domestic semiconductor industry chain to be independent and controllable. Overall, the semiconductor quartz equipment components market will continue to maintain growth momentum in the next few years, driven by technological progress, industry dynamics and market demand.

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