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Sharp Partner with AOI

Recently, Sharp Corporation, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Group, and Aoi Electronics, a well-known Japan electronic component manufacturer, announced that they will jointly promote the transformation of Sharp's LCD panel factory in Mie Prefecture to an advanced semiconductor packaging production line.

Under the terms of the agreement, Aoi Electronics will make full use of the existing resources and facilities of Sharp's triple plant to introduce its advanced Fan-out Laminate Package (FOLP) packaging technology to build a new semiconductor back-end process line. It is reported that the production line is planned to start construction in 2024 and is expected to be officially put into operation in 2026, when it will reach a production capacity of 20,000 pieces per month to meet the urgent demand of the market for high-performance packaging products.

As a long-established production base, the Sharp Mie Plant has long focused on the production of small and medium-sized panels. However, with the rapid development of the global semiconductor industry and the changing market demand, Sharp has keenly grasped the huge potential of advanced packaging technology. Through the strong alliance with Aoi Electronics, Sharp has given new life to the factory, which has been out of production for nearly ten years, and transformed it into an important base in the field of semiconductor packaging.

Pictured: Sharp and Aoi convert the triple plant to an advanced packaging production line

For this cooperation, Sharp expressed great importance and expectation. The company believes that through the in-depth cooperation with Aoi Electronics, it can not only accelerate the construction and mass production process of semiconductor packaging production line, but also promote Sharp's competitiveness in the semiconductor industry chain with the help of Aoi's leading position in the field of packaging technology. At the same time, this transformation will also inject new impetus into Sharp's long-term development and help the company occupy a more favorable position in the global semiconductor market.

It is worth noting that the cooperation between Sharp and Aoi Electronics is not only a simple transformation of the triple factory, but also a profound change to the entire semiconductor industry ecology. With the continuous upgrading of global electronic products and the acceleration of intelligent trends, there is an increasing demand for high-performance and high-integration packaging technology. The cooperation between Sharp and Aoi Electronics will strongly promote the innovation and progress of semiconductor packaging technology, and bring more innovative products and technology solutions to the market.

In addition, this cooperation will have a positive impact on the development of the electronics industry in the Mie region and Japan as a whole. Through the introduction of advanced packaging production lines and technical talents, Sharp Triple Plant will drive the coordinated development of the surrounding industrial chain and promote the prosperity of the local economy and the growth of employment.

In summary, Sharp and Aoi Electronics' joint transformation of the triple factory into an advanced packaging production line is a landmark collaboration. The two sides will work together to promote the continuous innovation and progress of semiconductor packaging technology, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of the global semiconductor industry. We look forward to seeing more innovations and market surprises from this collaboration in the future.

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