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SK Keyfoundry Accelerate the Development of GaN Power Semiconductors

As a new semiconductor material, gallium nitride is considered an ideal choice for future power electronic devices due to its excellent electron mobility and high temperature resistance. Compared to traditional silicon-based semiconductors, GaN can provide higher power efficiency and lower energy consumption, which makes it promising for a wide range of applications in a variety of fields, including fast charging, LED lighting, data centers, energy storage systems, and solar microinverters.

SK Keyfoundry has secured key device characteristics for the 650V GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) and plans to complete development by the end of the year. This progress marks the company's technological breakthrough in the field of GaN power semiconductors, laying a solid foundation for future product development and market promotion.

According to market research firm OMDIA, the GaN power semiconductor market will grow at a CAGR of 33%, from $500 million in 2023 to $6.4 billion in 2032. This forecast not only shows the broad space of the GaN power semiconductor market, but also reflects the industry's high recognition and expectation of this technology.

Figure: SK Keyfoundry Accelerate the Development of GaN Power Semiconductors

SK Keyfoundry expects that 650V GaN HEMT-based products will bring significant development benefits to fabless customers, especially in terms of power efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The company plans to aggressively promote this technology to existing power semiconductor process customers and acquire new customers to expand its market share.

Derek D. Lee, CEO of SK Keyfoundry, said that the company is not only competitive in the field of high-voltage BCDs, but is also actively preparing for the next generation of power semiconductors. In addition to GaN, the company plans to develop silicon carbide (SiC) to further expand its power semiconductor portfolio and establish its position as a specialist power semiconductor foundry.

SK Keyfoundry's accelerated development of GaN power semiconductors not only demonstrates the company's relentless pursuit of technological innovation, but also demonstrates its leadership position in the global semiconductor industry. As the technology continues to mature and the market continues to expand, SK Keyfoundry is expected to exert greater influence in the field of power semiconductors and provide more efficient and reliable products and solutions to customers around the world.

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