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SMIC Says China's Location Push is Boosting Chip Demand

In the context of globalization, the localization trend of the semiconductor industry is becoming more and more obvious, and China, as one of the world's largest electronic product manufacturing bases, has attracted much attention. SMIC, a leading semiconductor manufacturing company in China, is playing a vital role in this process and is directly benefiting from the rapid growth of local chip demand in China.

Localization strategy leads the market growth

SMIC understands the importance of localization to the semiconductor industry, and has actively implemented a localization strategy to meet the growing demand for chip products from domestic customers. As geopolitical uncertainty increases, more and more companies are starting to return production to their home countries to ensure the stability and security of their supply chains. This trend has led to a large number of urgent orders and early shipping requests for SMIC, which has driven the company's full utilization of production capacity and significant improvement in performance.

Market demand continues to grow, and performance has reached new highs

From the perspective of financial data, SMIC's performance fully confirms the role of the localization process in promoting chip demand. In recent years, the company's sales revenue has continued to grow, and the gross profit margin has increased steadily. Especially in some key quarters, the company has achieved dual growth in revenue and profit by improving capacity utilization and optimizing product structure. These achievements are inseparable from the trust and recognition of SMIC's products by local customers in China, and further strengthen the company's determination and confidence to continue to promote its localization strategy.

Figure The acceleration of localization has driven the continuous growth of China's chip demand

Challenges and opportunities coexist, and we look forward to future development

While SMIC has made remarkable achievements in the localization process, the company is also keenly aware of the challenges ahead. With the intensification of market competition and the change of customer needs, companies need to continuously innovate and improve their own capabilities to cope with possible risks and challenges. At the same time, the company will continue to pay attention to the dynamics and trends of the international market, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with international customers, in order to expand a broader market space.

Looking ahead, SMIC will continue to adhere to the localization strategy, increase R&D investment and technological innovation, and continuously improve product quality and performance. At the same time, the company will also strengthen cooperation and collaboration with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to jointly promote the rapid development, transformation and upgrading of China's semiconductor industry. It is believed that in the near future, SMIC will become a leader in China's semiconductor manufacturing industry and make greater contributions to the development of the global semiconductor industry.

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