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Supply Chain Optimization and Upgrading: Samsung Electronics' Cooperation List Has Been Reshuffled

In the rapid development of the global electronics industry, supply chain management is the key to the competitiveness of enterprises. Samsung Electronics, as a leader in the industry, has attracted the attention of the industry for every adjustment of its supply chain. In 2024, Samsung Electronics has made a large-scale update to its cooperation list, which is not only a simple partner change, but also a reflection of Samsung Electronics' supply chain strategy optimization and upgrading.

Update of the list of collaborations: the infusion of new blood

According to Thelecn, there are 113 companies in the 2024 cooperation list announced by Samsung Electronics, accounting for more than 80% of its parts procurement. In this update, 11 new companies were added, including Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and TPV Technology Co., Ltd., and 11 companies were eliminated. This change demonstrates Samsung Electronics' strategic considerations in terms of supply chain diversification and risk diversification.


Picture: Samsung Electronics announced the list of cooperation, and the blue is new

Elimination and addition: the dynamic balance of the supply chain

Although some companies have been removed from the list, this does not mean that the partnership with Samsung Electronics will be terminated immediately. For example, although BOE did not appear in the list of partners last year, it still maintains a panel supply cooperation with Samsung Electronics. This flexible management strategy ensures the stability of Samsung Electronics' supply chain and its ability to respond to market changes.

A firm pace towards sustainable development

Samsung Electronics' 2024 Sustainability Report further demonstrates its commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. According to the report, by the end of 2023, Samsung's device experience division achieved a renewable energy conversion rate of 93.4%, especially at major global manufacturing sites such as the United States, Europe, South Korea, China, Brazil, India, and Vietnam, where 100% renewable energy was used.


Samsung Electronics' supply chain optimization and upgrading is not only a screening of partners, but also a clear statement on the future development direction. Against the backdrop of resource constraints and environmental pressures on the global electronics industry, Samsung Electronics' initiative reflects its commitment to sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

Samsung Electronics has demonstrated its forward-thinking and leadership in supply chain management and sustainability through a major reshuffle of the cooperation list. The addition of new partners and the widespread use of renewable energy heralds a greater role for Samsung Electronics in driving the industry's green transformation and technological innovation. As the global focus on sustainability continues to grow, Samsung Electronics' efforts will earn it more market opportunities and consumer recognition.

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