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The U.S. Department of Defense Seeks Huawei Technology Waivers

On the chessboard of global technology competition, Huawei is undoubtedly a key chess piece. The recent series of actions by the U.S. Department of Defense have once again pushed Huawei to the forefront of international politics. According to Bloomberg, the U.S. Department of Defense is seeking an exemption to bypass the restrictions on Huawei in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. This move not only reveals the delicate balance between technology dependence and national security of the United States, but also reflects the profound changes in the global technology landscape.

Technology dependency: Huawei's global network layout

Huawei's global influence is due to its leading position in the telecom equipment market. According to market research data, Huawei's share of the global telecom equipment market is as high as 28%, far exceeding that of other competitors. This market share is due to Huawei's continuous innovation and investment in cutting-edge technologies such as 5G and cloud computing. However, this has also left many agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense, relying on Huawei's equipment and networks for their day-to-day tasks.


Pictured: The U.S. Department of Defense applies for a Huawei technology exemption

Political wrangling: the strategic considerations behind immunity

By seeking immunity, the U.S. Department of Defense is seeking a balance between technological dependence and national security. According to the U.S. Department of Defense's assessment, the restrictions of Section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act have severely affected its ability to procure logistical supplies such as medical supplies, medicines, and clothing. The reality of this dependency has forced the US Department of Defense to re-examine its stance on Huawei.

However, the request for a waiver has also faced considerable resistance in the United States. Some hardline opponents on China have criticized the Pentagon for not being aggressive enough, arguing that it should use its sheer volume of purchases to force companies to make changes. Behind this view are concerns about America's position in the global technological competition, as well as strict considerations of national security.

International Implications: The Global Effects of U.S. Policy

The U.S. restrictions on Huawei have not only affected U.S. policymaking, but also had a profound impact on other countries around the world. For example, the United States had pressured the UAE to dismantle Huawei equipment, but the latter's refusal led to put the country's deal to buy F-35 fighter jets on hold. This is also happening in Saudi Arabia and some Latin American countries, which believe that the United States and its allies cannot offer more competitively priced alternatives.

Conclusion: Seeking balance and foresight

Faced with this dilemma, the U.S. Department of Defense's request for immunity is actually seeking a realistic balance. A Pentagon spokesman said the waivers would be used only for purchases in the interests of U.S. national security, and that the intelligence community would continue to be restricted. This statement not only reflects the importance of national security, but also shows a compromise with the reality of technological dependence.

In the long run, however, the United States needs to find a new balance between technological autonomy and international cooperation. This requires not only the wisdom of policymakers, but also cooperation and dialogue on a global scale. In this process, Huawei's role and influence cannot be ignored, and how the United States handles its relationship with Huawei will also have an important impact on the global technology landscape.

In this dual game of technology and politics, what we expect to see is a more open, cooperative and secure international environment, rather than a closed and confrontational environment. After all, technology is developed for the benefit of humanity, not as a tool for political struggle. With the addition of specific data and case information, this article aims to provide a comprehensive and in-depth perspective to increase the readability and credibility of the article, while provoking readers to think deeply about the current international techno-political landscape.

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