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TSMC 2nm Demand has Surged

As the world's leading semiconductor manufacturer, TSMC's progress in the 2nm process has attracted much attention. It is reported that TSMC has successfully improved the "conversion performance" of the 2nm process to 90%, and the yield rate has also exceeded 80%, which marks another major leap in the field of chip manufacturing. This technological breakthrough will not only significantly improve the computing efficiency and energy consumption ratio of chips, but also provide stronger support for the application of cutting-edge technologies such as AI and 5G.

Thanks to the leading technology and wide recognition of the market, the demand for TSMC's 2nm chips is stronger than expected. Tech giants such as Apple have taken the lead in booking the first batch of TSMC's 2nm chip production capacity, showing an urgent need for advanced process technology. In addition, with the rapid development of AI, autonomous driving, Internet of Things and other fields, more companies have begun to plan to adopt 2nm chips to enhance product competitiveness. This surge in market demand has created a huge business opportunity for TSMC and provided an impetus for it to further expand its production capacity.

Faced with the surge in demand for 2nm chips, TSMC plans to significantly increase capital expenditures in the next few years to expand the production capacity of cutting-edge processes such as 2nm. According to industry estimates, TSMC's capital expenditure in 2025 is expected to reach a record high, which will be mainly used for the research and development of advanced processes such as 2nm and the construction of production lines. At the same time, this move also indicates that 2025 will be a crucial year in the chip investment race.

Figure: TSMC capital expenditure (Source: Bloomberg)

As TSMC's leading position in the field of 2nm chips is gradually consolidated, other chip manufacturers such as Samsung and Intel are not far behind, and have increased investment to catch up with or narrow the gap with TSMC. These competitors will compete to introduce more advanced production equipment and technology to improve their own production capacity and competitiveness. In addition, semiconductor equipment suppliers will also benefit from the rise of this investment race, and their performance is expected to improve significantly.

The surge in demand for TSMC's 2nm chips and the intensification of the chip investment race will have a profound impact on the entire chip industry chain. On the one hand, this will bring more business opportunities and development space for chip design, manufacturing, packaging and testing and other related links; On the other hand, this will also put forward higher requirements for the technical strength, financial strength and market competitiveness of all links in the industrial chain. Therefore, enterprises in the industrial chain need to strengthen cooperation and innovation to jointly respond to the challenges and opportunities brought about by market changes.

To sum up, the surge in demand for TSMC's 2nm chips has aroused widespread attention and enthusiastic response from the market. With the upcoming chip investment race in 2025, the global chip market will usher in an unprecedented change. In this change, whoever can grasp the opportunity and innovate and break through will be able to stand out in the fierce market competition.

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