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TSMC EUV Lithography Plan 60 Unites for 400 Billion NTD

Today, with the rapid development of the global semiconductor industry, TSMC announced a procurement plan that shocked the industry - to receive more than 60 EUV lithography machines between 2024 and 2025, with an estimated investment of more than NT$400 billion. This decision is not only a reflection of TSMC's technological innovation, but also a strong proof of its industry leadership. In this article, China Overseas Semiconductor Network will try to delve into the strategic intent behind this procurement plan and its far-reaching impact on the global semiconductor industry.

Overview of TSMC's EUV lithography machine procurement plan

TSMC's procurement plan is an ongoing investment in its advanced process technology. It is expected that TSMC will place orders for about 30 and 35 EUV lithography machines, respectively, this year and next year to meet its growing production needs and technology upgrades. The announcement of this plan immediately attracted wide attention from the global semiconductor industry.

Supply status and market response

At present, ASML, as the world's only supplier of EUV lithography machines, is facing great market pressure on its product supply. The turnaround time from order to delivery has been extended to 16 to 20 months, indicating that the market for high-end lithography equipment is in short supply. TSMC's large-scale procurement plan will undoubtedly further intensify the competition in the market.


Figure: TSMC will receive more than 60 EUV lithography machines between 2024 and 2025

Strategic intent and industry impact

The strategic intent of TSMC's procurement plan is very obvious: to ensure its technological leadership and production capacity advantages in the field of high-end chip manufacturing through advance layout. This decision will have a far-reaching impact on the global semiconductor industry, and may trigger a rush of other companies in the industry to buy EUV lithography machines, further exacerbating the contradiction between supply and demand in the market.

Technology development trends and market demand

With the continuous advancement of semiconductor process technology, EUV lithography machines have become an indispensable tool for producing smaller, faster, and more powerful chips. TSMC's procurement plan indicates that the semiconductor industry will develop towards higher-end process technology in the future, and it also shows the urgent demand for high-end chips in the market.


TSMC's purchase plan for 60 EUV lithography machines, involving up to NT$400 billion, is not only part of its corporate strategy, but also a microcosm of the development of the global semiconductor industry. It reflects the industry's urgent demand for high-end lithography equipment, and also indicates the future development direction of semiconductor technology. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, EUV lithography machine will undoubtedly become a key force to promote the development of the industry.

All in all, TSMC's large-scale purchase of EUV lithography machines is, to a certain extent, an important investment in the development of future semiconductor technology. This will not only ensure TSMC's continued technological leadership, but will also have a positive impact on the entire semiconductor supply chain. However, this can also lead to greater market pressure from other competitors, further intensifying competition within the industry. In addition, ASML, as the exclusive supplier of EUV lithography machines, whether its production capacity can meet the market demand will also be an important factor affecting the development of the industry. In the future, how to balance technological innovation and market demand will be a challenge for the semiconductor industry.

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