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How the Chinese Academy of Sciences broke the three-dimensional boundaries of silicon-based logic circuits revealed

Today, when semiconductor technology continues to pursue its limits, the breakthrough research of Professor Zhou Wu's research group at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences is like dropping a bombshell on a calm lake, causing ripples. This research has not only caused an uproar in the academic community, but also set off a big discussion in the industry about the future direction of technology.

At the heart of a technological breakthrough

The p-type doped two-dimensional semiconductor method based on interface coupling proposed by Wu Zhou's research group is a landmark innovation. This method breaks the limitation that traditional silicon-based logic circuits can only be laid out on a two-dimensional plane by achieving p-type doping on the surface of two-dimensional materials, and paves the way for the realization of multi-layer complementary transistor circuits that are vertically integrated in three dimensions.


Figure: SRAM prototype device that implements 2D semiconductor vertical 3D integrated complementary logic circuits

Technical Parameters & Highlights

The key highlight of this technology is its game-changing interface effect. The research team successfully fabricated a device composed of 14 layers of van der Waals material using vertical stacking, which is a huge leap forward in the field of materials science. Through in-depth characterization of low-voltage spherical aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy, the research team revealed that there is an atomic-level clear interface between the MoS2, CrOCl, and h-BN layers, which provides a solid foundation for the high performance of the device.

The resonance of academia and industry

The publication of this study is not only an academic victory, but also a far-reaching impact on the entire semiconductor industry. As Moore's Law approaches its physical limits, traditional silicon-based integrated circuits have struggled to improve performance by reducing transistor size. The research of Zhou Wu's research group provides a new development path for the semiconductor industry and is expected to lead the industry into a new stage of development.

It is worth mentioning that this study is the result of the collaboration of several scientific teams. The cooperation between Wu Zhou's group and Shanxi University, Liaoning Materials Laboratory, Sun Yat-sen University, and the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences demonstrates the great potential for interdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration. This collaborative model not only accelerates the scientific research process, but also provides a multi-angle perspective for solving complex scientific problems.

While this technology shows great potential, there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome before it can be commercialized. This includes, but is not limited to, mass production of materials, stability and reliability of devices, and compatibility with existing production lines. In addition, whether this technology can be adopted by existing semiconductor giants such as Intel, TSMC and other companies is also a key factor in whether it can be quickly popularized.


The research of Zhou Wu's research group is not only an important breakthrough in the field of semiconductors in China, but also a strong impetus for the development of global semiconductor technology. The success of this technology not only demonstrates the wisdom and creativity of Chinese researchers, but also provides new possibilities for the development of the global semiconductor industry. We look forward to this technology coming out of the laboratory as soon as possible and becoming an important force for social progress.

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