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Vehicle Road Cloud Integration Make Autonomous Driving More Intelligence

With the rapid development of digital and intelligent technologies, the intelligent networked vehicle industry has ushered in new development opportunities. As one of the key technologies in this field, vehicle-road-cloud integration is gradually becoming the core force to promote the development of intelligent transportation systems. In recent years, our country's progress in this area has been particularly remarkable.

The concept of vehicle-road-cloud integration

Vehicle-road-cloud integration is an intelligent transportation system that integrates vehicles, road infrastructure, and cloud computing platforms. Through the new generation of information and communication technology, this system integrates the physical space and information space of people, vehicles, roads and clouds into one, so as to realize the safe, energy-saving, comfortable and efficient operation of the intelligent networked vehicle transportation system.

Policy promotion and pilot implementation

At the policy level, the Chinese government attaches great importance to the intelligent networked vehicle industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments jointly announced that they will launch a pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent networked vehicles in 20 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Shenyang. This marks a substantial step forward in the industrialization process of intelligent networked vehicles in China.

Technology and infrastructure development

The implementation of vehicle-road-cloud integration involves the comprehensive application of intelligent vehicle technology, intelligent roadside technology, communication technology and cloud control technology. At present, China has opened more than 32,000 kilometers of intelligent networked vehicle test demonstration roads, issued more than 7,700 test demonstration licenses, tested more than 120 million kilometers, and built cloud control infrastructure platforms in many places.

Figure: Vehicle-road-cloud integration technology

Application prospects and social impact

The application of vehicle-road-cloud integration will profoundly change people's travel mode and urban development model. It can not only improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system, reduce the accident rate, but also improve the overall operation efficiency of the city through intelligent traffic management and services.

Challenges and future prospects

Although the vehicle-road-cloud integration technology has broad development prospects, it also faces some challenges, such as the unclear investment model and construction standards of intelligent road infrastructure, the insignificant mutual empowerment effect of vehicle intelligence and networking, and the insufficient integration of cross-industry and cross-field. Through the promotion of application pilots, it is expected to accelerate the construction of urban and road infrastructure and promote the high-quality development of the intelligent networked vehicle industry.

Looking to the future, it is expected that by 2026, China will build a unified standard system of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent networked vehicles to support a wider range of multi-scenario applications such as intelligent assisted driving, autonomous driving, intelligent transportation and smart cities. This will not only bring new development opportunities to the intelligent networked vehicle industry, but also bring a safer, more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation mode to the society.

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