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What Are the Areas of MEMS Sensors That Are Worth Paying Attention To? (1)

MEMS sensor, is the core element in MEMS, it is a kind of energy from one form to another, and for a specific measurable input to provide users with a usable energy output of miniaturized devices, it is manufactured by microelectronics and micromachining technology.

The MEMS industry is a $10 billion market. According to Yole, the market space will increase from $13.6 billion in 2021 to $22.3 billion in 2027. The overall CAGR growth rate is 9% per year. By 2027, the largest market is the RF MEMS market, with an overall market of 4.664 billion US dollars, the second largest market is the inertial market, with a total market space of IMU inertial and accelerometers of 4.433 billion US dollars, the third largest market is pressure MEMS, with a market space of 2.624 billion US dollars, and the fourth largest market is silicon MEMS, with a market space of 2.333 billion US dollars.

As a key component of MEMS, MEMS sensors have the characteristics of small size, integration, intelligence and low cost, and have a wide range of applications in many fields. This report will analyze the areas of concern for MEMS sensors based on research by Huaan Securities.

Figure: the working principle of MEMS

There are many types of MEMS sensors and many classification methods. According to its working principle, it can be divided into three categories: physical, chemical and biological. Among them, there are multiple subdivision methods for each MEMS sensor, and there are rich types of sensor market segments:

MEMS Pressure Sensors: These sensors convert pressure signals into electrical signals and are widely used in automotive, consumer, industrial, medical, and aerospace applications. According to Yole, the global MEMS pressure sensor market size was approximately $2.339 billion in 2022, making it the second largest product in MEMS devices.

MEMS Acoustic Sensor: This sensor uses MEMS technology to convert acoustic signals into electrical signals, which has the advantages of small size and low power consumption. They are widely used in consumer electronics such as smartphones, smart wireless headphones, tablets, smart wearables, and smart homes. With the development of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and 5G technology, the market demand for MEMS acoustic sensors is increasing rapidly.

MEMS inertial sensors: include accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure physical properties such as linear acceleration, vibration, shock, and inclination. These sensors are widely used in consumer electronics, car navigation, Internet of Things, industrial equipment and high-end equipment. The global accelerometer market size was approximately USD 1.402 billion in 2022, accounting for 9.67% of the MEMS market space.

MEMS RF devices: As a part of RF MEMS, such devices have important applications in the field of mobile communications, such as SAW and BAW filters in mobile phones, which are responsible for filtering signal frequencies and solving signal interference problems. According to Resonant statistics, the RF filter market size grew significantly between 2016 and 2020 and is expected to grow further by 2025.

MEMS environmental sensors: including MEMS humidity sensors and gas sensors, which are widely used in industrial control, meteorology, agriculture, mining detection and other industries to detect the composition and concentration of target gases.

MEMS biosensors: This type of sensor is currently in the early stage of development, using biomolecules to detect biological reaction information, and has a broad space for development in medicine, food industry, environmental monitoring and other fields in the future.

Figure:the catagory of MEMS

The market competition pattern of MEMS sensors shows that the global market is relatively fragmented, but foreign companies such as Bosch, Broadcom, Weixun Union, and STMicroelectronics occupy the main market share. In the Chinese market, Goertek Microelectronics is a leading enterprise in the MEMS sensor industry, occupying a significant market share.

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, MEMS sensors are expanding their application fields as a key node technology for obtaining information. MEMS sensors simulate and extend the human senses, with the advantages of miniaturization, and are widely used in consumer electronics, automotive electronics, industry, medical and other fields. The Internet of Things (IoT) has led to a significant increase in the market demand for MEMS sensors. In the next article, we will take a closer look at the impact of IoT on MEMS and the main application areas of MEMS.

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What Are the Areas of MEMS Sensors That Are Worth Paying Attention To?(2)

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