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Wolfspeed's 200mm SiC Wafer Plant Achieves 20 Percent Utilization

Wolfspeed has achieved another milestone in silicon carbide (SiC) technology: its 200mm SiC wafer fab in Mohawk Valley has reached 20% utilization, an achievement that not only marks significant progress in meeting market demand, but also reflects its firm commitment to environmental sustainability.

What 20% Utilization Means for the Industry

For Wolfspeed, reaching 20% utilization is a clear signal of its production capacity and technical strength in the SiC market. Behind this number is the result of the company's continuous optimization of technology and refined management of production processes. "" With the Building 10 Materials facility achieving its 200mm wafer production goal, Wolfspeed expects to further increase the utilization rate of the Mohawk Valley wafer fab to 25% by the end of 2024.

Commitment and Practice of Environmental Sustainability

Wolfspeed's Mohawk Valley facility has received LEED Silver certification, which is not only a recognition of its green building and operations, but also a recognition of its leadership in promoting environmental health and industry sustainability. "" LEED certification highlights Wolfspeed's efforts to reduce energy consumption, optimize resource use and reduce environmental impact.

Technology and capacity expansion

The construction and operation of the Mohawk Valley plant reflects Wolfspeed's leading position in global silicon carbide material and device manufacturing. "" As the world's first purpose-built, fully automated 200mm silicon carbide plant, it combines with Wolfspeed's 200mm material production to consolidate its competitive position as the only fully vertically integrated, scaled 200mm silicon carbide manufacturer.

Figure: Wolfspeed: 200mm SiC wafer fab utilization rate reaches 20%

Response and impact of the Durham equipment accident

The equipment accident at Wolfspeed's 150mm equipment plant in Durham, although resulting in a short-term reduction in production capacity, the company responded quickly and resolved the problem. "" The plant's capacity utilization is expected to return to target levels in August, demonstrating Wolfspeed's mature capabilities in crisis management and business continuity.

Financial impact and market expectations

Wolfspeed has updated its financial outlook for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, and expects the fourth quarter continuing operating income target to remain between $185 million and $215 million. "" Although the equipment accident had a certain impact on the gross profit margin and net loss in the quarter, the company remains cautiously optimistic about the outlook for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025.

Conclusion and Outlook

Wolfspeed's 200mm SiC wafer fab utilization rate reached 20%, which is not only a reflection of the company's technological strength and market strategy, but also a concrete practice of its commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable development. As the company continues to expand in the global silicon carbide market, Wolfspeed is expected to play a more important role in the future semiconductor industry and drive the industry towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly direction.

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