Main products:logic IC, 8-bit MCU, 16-bit MCU, 32-bit MCU, interface IC, converter IC, op amp IC
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The product mainly involves integrated micro inductors, micro transformers, micro device modules, etc.


Main products:logic IC, 8-bit MCU, 16-bit MCU, 32-bit MCU, interface IC, converter IC, op amp IC

Chiplon Microelectronics (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a professional industrial-grade DSP digital signal processor, USB interface chip and a leading domestic IoT embedded chip product and solution provider. For more than ten years, the company has accumulated profound experience in integrated circuit chip design, and has been committed to providing better products and services for industrial intelligent control, medical equipment, rail transit, intelligent transportation, smart homes and other fields. The company has a profound cultural heritage and was founded by a number of returned personnel with study and work experience in Europe and the United States. The solid theoretical foundation and rich chip design experience have laid a high starting point and high standard for Chiplon Microelectronics, and it has rapidly grown into a leading company in the industry. One of the Chinese IC design brands with independent intellectual property rights.

The R&D team of Chiplon Microelectronics Company has been striving for excellence and striving for the independence of core products. At present, it has independent design capabilities for 16/32-bit DSP cores. After successfully developing the first domestic DSP digital signal processor in 2014, it has successively developed and mass-produced dozens of 32-bit fixed-point operations, 32-bit floating-point operations and 16-bit fixed-point arithmetic digital signal processor product. Since then, it has broken the monopoly of foreign companies on digital signal processors (DSP) in the field of industrial intelligence, and has made due contributions to the autonomy of DSP chips in my country's industrial control field.

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