Hwa Create

Main products:Satellite navigation, satellite communications, radar signal processing, simulation testing, unmanned system fields
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Hwa Create

Main products:Satellite navigation, satellite communications, radar signal processing, simulation testing, unmanned system fields

Hwa Create Corporation is one of the first domestic joint-stock enterprises to obtain complete national defense and military industry access qualifications and an "ISO9001" and "GJB9001C" dual quality certification enterprise. Over the past 20 years, the company has successively undertaken 863 projects and major instrument and equipment development projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, industrialization projects of the National Development and Reform Commission, projects in the 03 special projects of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, military weapons and equipment preliminary research projects, and multiple Beijing science and technology research and industrialization projects. It has successively participated in the completion of key national special tasks such as Beidou Navigation and Tiantong Satellite Communications, organized and carried out the development of domestic aircraft satellite navigation and satellite communications airborne equipment, and cultivated and formed a distinct advanced corporate culture of "serving the country and repaying society". At present, the company has 309 authorized valid patents, 426 software copyrights and 10 integrated circuit layout designs. It has won 1 first prize for scientific and technological progress of the China Electronics Society, 1 second prize of the National Technology Invention Award, and won the China Satellite Navigation Award. With honors such as the top ten Beidou industrialization enterprises in the location service industry, the top 100 innovative enterprises in the National Innovation Demonstration Zone, the capital civilized unit, and the backbone enterprise for Beijing citizens to join the military, it is a nationally recognized Beidou navigation and satellite communication chip research and development unit and terminal product and system service Supplier, awarded by Beijing Satellite Communication and Navigation Engineering Technology Research Center and Beijing Enterprise Technology Center.

The company has formed a certain scale of scientific research and production capabilities in the fields of satellite navigation, satellite communications, radar signal processing, simulation testing, and unmanned systems. The military output value accounts for about 60% of the company's total output value, providing precision guidance weapons, electronic countermeasures, and aviation for our military. The development of electronics, information warfare, command and control, and advanced weapon systems provides advanced devices, terminals, systems, and solutions. The company is also actively oriented towards industry and local economic development, providing users with a complete set of technical systems and solutions in the fields of smart cities, satellite big data, emergency communications, safety monitoring, and marine engineering.

Strive for the "14th Five-Year Plan" and set sail on a new journey. Standing at a new historical starting point and facing new historical opportunities, Hwa Create Corporation will continue to adhere to the national strategy as the guide, vigorously promote military-civilian integration, accelerate the development of digital economy business, and actively layout new developments in industrialization, collectivize and internationalization pattern.

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