
Main products:full stack GPU chip
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Main products:full stack GPU chip

MetaX is committed to providing full-stack GPU chips and solutions for heterogeneous computing, which can be widely used in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, smart cities, data centers, cloud computing, autonomous driving, digital twins, and the metaverse, providing solutions for the development of the digital economy. Powerful computing power support.

The company was established in Shanghai in September 2020 and has established wholly-owned subsidiaries and R&D centers in Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Wuhan. MetaX has a team with complete technology and rich experience in design and industrialization. The core members have an average of nearly 20 years of end-to-end R&D experience in high-performance GPU products. They have led the R&D of more than ten world-leading high-performance GPU products, including the definition of GPU architecture.  GPU IP design, GPU SoC design and the entire process of mass production and delivery of GPU system solutions.

MetaX creates full-stack GPU chip products and launches MXN series GPUs (Xisi) for AI inference, MXC series GPUs (Xiyun) for AI training and general computing, and MXG series GPUs (Xicai) for graphics rendering. Meet the computing power requirements of data centers for "high energy efficiency" and "high versatility". MetaX products all use completely independently developed GPU IP, with completely independent intellectual property instruction sets and architecture, and a complete software stack (MXMACA) compatible with the mainstream GPU ecosystem. They have the natural advantages of high energy efficiency and high versatility, and can provide Customers build a comprehensive ecological solution that integrates software and hardware, which is the cornerstone of computing power to promote data center construction and industrial digitalization and intelligent transformation and upgrading in the context of "dual carbon".

MetaX has maintained rapid growth since its establishment, demonstrating strong talent appeal, industrial resource gathering, product R&D execution and industrial ecological upstream and downstream layout capabilities. At present, MetaX has established close cooperative relationships with industry customers such as server OEMs, big data centers, Internet, and operators, and has closely carried out industry-university-research cooperation with many well-known universities and research institutions to rapidly promote the construction of upstream and downstream industry ecosystems. Based on the future, MetaX will actively leverage its advantages in the GPU field, carry out in-depth cooperation based on the industrial ecology of the business radiation areas, and help the rapid development of my country's integrated circuit industry and digital economy.

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