Denglin Technology

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Denglin Technology

Denlin Technology, a leader in high-performance and general-purpose computing, was founded at the end of 2017. It focuses on chip research and development and technological innovation for high-performance general-purpose computing platforms, and is committed to creating cutting-edge chip products and platforms with cloud-edge-end integration, software and hardware collaboration, and training and reasoning integration. Basic system software. The company's independently innovative GPU+ (a software-defined on-chip heterogeneous computing architecture based on GPGPU), on the basis of compatibility with programming models and software ecosystems including CUDA/OpenCL, perfectly solves the problem of versatility and high efficiency through architectural innovation. Double dilemma. Actual testing of a large number of customer products has proven that for AI computing, GPU+ has significantly improved performance, especially energy efficiency, compared to traditional GPUs.

As the first GPU company in China to achieve large-scale commercial implementation, Goldwasser, the first innovative AI computing accelerator based on GPU+, has been used in various application scenarios from edge to cloud computing on a large scale, successfully filling the domestic high-performance GPGPU field of technology and products. and business gaps.

In the future, Denglin company will continue to adhere to the architecture implementation of all self-developed core IP, with AI computing as the main line and innovation as the soul, strengthen the independent research and development of core IP, and accelerate the development of products in high-performance computing, advanced autonomous driving, graphics acceleration and other related fields. Innovation and commercialization processes.

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